For Sale

Horses for Sale

The following Prospects are for Sale:

Contact Joe B Armstrong to inquire about these prospects – They ride as good as they look. Athletes!

Private message me or call for pricing. (575) 202.0080


Von Red Wall

Von Rush

Von Shiney

Von Joy

Von Loli


Von Rose

Von Sugar Lady (Sired by Von Gus)

2021 filly This Three year old filly may be the perfect Performance Prospect: Beauty, Brains and Pedigree! CJ Sugar and Colonel Freckles were blood brothers!

Few things are more enjoyable than an early morning stroll through the pasture. These are the 2023 Von Gus foals. I like them!

About our Sire, Von Gus

Von Gus is a Proven Performance Stallion. He has 105 AQHA points with limited showing. His sire Von Reminic won the NRHA Open Futurity and is a Leading Sire of Ranch Riders His dam was a great performer.
It will be difficult, if not impossible, to find a stallion with more Colonel Freckles and Sugar Bars breeding.
Standing at Armstrong Equine Services in 2023.