Armstrong Equine Service is the premiere breeding, boarding, training, and riding facility in the Southwest. Conveniently located in the heart of the Mesilla Valley, we’re about a mile away from a ride on the Rio Grande river, or a mile from Chope’s Restaurant — world renowned for their chile rellenos. Local attractions include historic Old Mesilla where Billy the Kid roamed, only 20 minutes away; Sunland Park Race Track located 30 minutes south; and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico is only 45 minutes away. Click for Directions.

Facility Includes
- 32 Indoor Stalls
- 20 Pens
- 21 Stalls with Runs
- Wash Rack
- Horse Walker
- Trail Course Obstacles, Fences
- Riding Arena with, Sprinkler and Team Roping Chutes
- Feed Storage
- Trailer Parking, Loading Chute
- Round Pen, Exercise Track
- Jumps
- 3 Grazing Pastures
- 2 Large Turn-Out Corrals
- Working Cattle, Roping Chutes
- Breeding Barn
- Tack Rooms
- Watered Arena with Lights
- Public Restrooms
- Owner/Mgr Lives On Site

Riding Arena
We have one main riding arena equipped with team roping chutes. Next to the arena, we have a trail obstacle course and a round pen for training. Adjacent to the arena, there is a small grass pasture ideal for jumping. There’s also a large round pen for working cattle, and large pastures with plenty of room to run.
Within minutes of the farm there are countless trails for pleasure riding and training. Access is available to ride on the Rio Grande River levy–and some times of the year you can ride in it! You won’t run out of room to ride here, or run out of breathtaking views.Surrounding areas offer as much open trail riding as you can handle. With a fifteen minute trailer ride, you can either be riding the desert mesa with Billy the Kid, or riding through the rocky Organ Mountains with Geronimo. Stop in for coffee and look at our horses, or come stay for awhile.